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Unifying fuzzy controller for IEQ: implementation in a Raspberry Pi

Molina-Solana, Miguel and Ros, Maria and Delgado, Miguel
Proc. 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology 89 , pp. 1034–1039 (2015)


Recent developments in computing and hardware manufacturing are allowing many pieces of software to be embedded in general-purpose, low-cost devices. This work presents and tests the feasibility and performance of implementing, in such a device, a previously developed unified fuzzy controller for managing the different aspects involved in Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ). This unifying controller overcomes the potentially inefficient interactions between several traditional controllers, and its implementation is able to accommodate the higher computational needs of the fuzzy formalism.


DOI: 10.2991/ifsa-eusflat-15.2015.146


  title = {Unifying fuzzy controller for IEQ: implementation in a Raspberry Pi},
  author = {Molina-Solana, Miguel and Ros, Maria and Delgado, Miguel},
  booktitle = {Proc. 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology},
  year = {2015},
  address = {Gij\'on, Spain},
  editor = {Alonso, Jos\'e M. and Bustince, Humberto and Reformat, Marek},
  month = jun,
  organization = {European Centre for Soft Computing},
  pages = {1034--1039},
  publisher = {Atlantis Press},
  series = {Advances in Intelligent Systems Research},
  volume = {89},
  doi = {10.2991/ifsa-eusflat-15.2015.146},
  timestamp = {118},
  url = {}