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TUORIS: A middleware for visualizing graphics in scalable resolution display environments

Martínez, Victor and Fernando, Senaka and Molina-Solana, Miguel and Guo, Yike
Future Generation Computer Systems 106 , pp. 559–571 (2020)


In the era of big data, large-scale information visualization has become an important challenge. Scalable resolution display walls have emerged as a technological solution to build high resolution display systems by tiling lower resolution components. These systems bring serious advantages, including lower construction cost and better maintainability compared to available alternatives. However, they require specialized software to handle the required logic. This work introduces TUORIS, a middleware for visualizing dynamic graphics in distributed visualization systems composed of tiles. TUORIS manages the underlying complexity of distributing and synchronizing the information among the different components of the system, making the whole process transparent to the user, than can build complex, dynamic, and interactive applications using popular standard technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and exploit the full potential of sophisticated libraries and frameworks based on web technologies. In comparison to other available middlewares, TUORIS is designed to work with vectorial graphics described by the standards of scalable vector graphics (SVG). This approach reduces bandwidth consumption, allowing to run dynamic applications with a high frame rate, in comparison to other frameworks that transmit visual information as blocks of images. Furthermore, as opposed to other available middlewares, TUORIS scales independently of the display wall resolution.


DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2020.01.015


  author = {Mart\'inez, Victor and Fernando, Senaka and Molina-Solana, Miguel and Guo, Yike},
  title = {TUORIS: A middleware for visualizing graphics in scalable resolution display environments},
  journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems},
  year = {2020},
  volume = {106},
  pages = {559--571},
  doi = {10.1016/j.future.2020.01.015},
  comment = {},
  timestamp = {23}