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Meta-Association Rules for mining interesting associations in multiple datasets

Ruiz, M.D. and Gómez-Romero, J. and Molina-Solana, Miguel and Campaña, J.R. and Martin-Bautista, M.J.
Applied Soft Computing 49 , pp. 212–223 (2016)


Association rules have been widely used in many application areas to extract new and useful information expressed in a comprehensive way for decision makers from raw data. However, raw data may not always be available, it can be distributed in multiple datasets and therefore there resulting number of association rules to be inspected is overwhelming. In the light of these observations, we propose meta-association rules, a new framework for mining association rules over previously discovered rules in multiple databases. Meta-association rules are a new tool that convey new information from the patterns extracted from multiple datasets and give a “summarized” representation about most frequent patterns. We propose and compare two different algorithms based respectively on crisp rules and fuzzy rules, concluding that fuzzy meta-association rules are suitable to incorporate to the meta-mining procedure the obtained quality assessment provided by the rules in the first step of the process, although it consumes more time than the crisp approach. In addition, fuzzy meta-rules give a more manageable set of rules for its posterior analysis and they allow the use of fuzzy items to express additional knowledge about the original databases. The proposed framework is illustrated with real-life data about crime incidents in the city of Chicago. Issues such as the difference with traditional approaches are discussed using synthetic data.


DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.08.014
PDF: mmolinas/publications/ruiz-asoc16.pdf


  author = {Ruiz, M.D. and G\'omez-Romero, J. and Molina-Solana, Miguel and Campaña, J.R. and Martin-Bautista, M.J.},
  title = {Meta-Association Rules for mining interesting associations in multiple datasets},
  journal = {Applied Soft Computing},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {49},
  pages = {212--223},
  comment = {},
  doi = {10.1016/j.asoc.2016.08.014},
  timestamp = {07}