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Graph neural network potentials for molecular dynamics simulations of water cluster anions

Gijón, Alfonso and Molina-Solana, Miguel and Gómez-Romero, Juan
Computational Science (ICCS 2023) , pp. 336–343 (2023)


Regression of potential energy functions is one of the most popular applications of machine learning within the field of material simulations since it would allow accelerating molecular dynamics simulations. Recently, graph-based architectures have been proven to be especially suitable for molecular systems. However, the construction of robust and transferable potentials, resulting in stable dynamical trajectories, still needs to be researched. In this work, we design and compare several neural architectures with different graph embedding layers to predict the energy of water cluster anions, a system of fundamental interest in chemistry and biology. After identifying the best aggregation procedures for this problem, we have obtained accurate, fast-evaluated and easy-to-implement graph neural network models which could be employed in dynamical simulations in the future.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-36027-5_25


  title = {Graph neural network potentials for molecular dynamics simulations of water cluster anions},
  author = {Gijón, Alfonso and Molina-Solana, Miguel and Gómez-Romero, Juan},
  booktitle = {Computational Science (ICCS 2023)},
  year = {2023},
  month = jul,
  location = {Prague, Czech Republic},
  timestamp = {135},
  pages = {336--343},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-36027-5_25},
  url = {},
  isbn = {978-3-031-36027-5}